
What is Life? Celebration or Burden?

  The Timeline of this Story Goes Back to, 2006 Kumar told me to come and work. He offered me rupees two thousand per month. It was the summer month of September. I had a great passion for learning the work of birdwatching. I was also fascinated by the sweet and savory food of the resort. Sometimes I was at the department store, and sometimes at the supermarket for the shopping for the arriving tourists. Fifteen days have passed doing the same. The bosses also returned to Kathmandu after carrying out the general maintenance of the resort. The responsibilities of every work were on my shoulders.  The resort had nine staff members, each with their responsibilities. The watchman was a well-known liquor connoisseur. The waiter was of the same type, a mong them was a guide named Mines. He was such a special kind of person that there were no words to describe him. He considered himself perfect in the work environment,  but in my eyes, his work was not satisfactory. He was also more senior th


घोडचढी काफिलाको ताँत करिब एक किलोमिटर को लर्कोमा फैलिएको थियो।अगाडि को युद्ध सरदारले आफ्ना लडाकुहरौलाइ होसियार भएर अगाडि बढन निर्देशन दियो।बीचबीचमा पर्ने अनेकन भुरेटाकुरे राज्यहरुमा उस्ले आफ्नो आधिपत्य  जमाउदै उ अगाडि बढिरहेको थियो। होआज म त्येही कथा भन्न यहाँ हाजिर भएको भएको छु। जब अन्तिम किराँती राजा श्री गास्ति सोमवङ्शी  राजा निमीश द्वारा हराइए तत्पश्चात उनी आफ्ना बाकी रहेका सेना साथमा लिएर बनेपा पुर्बको पहाडैपहाडकाे बाटो भएर सिन्धुली छिचोल्दै उदयपुर आइपुगे,तब उनले यो ठाँउमा आफ्नो अस्तित्व को बीजारोपण गर्न सकिने संभावना देखे।थाकल को बाक्लो घारी,सालका बडाबडारुखहरु,केही खेतीयोग्य समथर भूगोल,सिकार का निमित्त प्रसस्त जंगली जनावरहरु,मनै लोभ्याउने उत्तरी हिमाली शृङ्खला मनमोहक प्राकृतिकछटाले गास्तीलाई मन्त्र मुग्ध बनाइ दियो।हरेक बस्तु उनका लागि अर्थपूर्ण र महत्वका थिए।चितुवा र बाघको गर्जन,मृगको ताँत र विभिन्न बाँदर प्रजातिका रुख चढ्ने  अनेकन प्राणी जताततै देखिन्थे।उत्तरतर्फको पूर्व देखि पश्चिम् सम्म  फैलिएको महाभारत र हिमालय शृङ्खला,साच्चै नै यो ठाँउ मनमोहक थियो। उदयपुरको बेलखातरीको लालभित


  The cotton tree or local name in Nepal is simal and has been considered one of the key trees for conserving vulture and stork species. The tree is called Bombax ceiba in scientific name. It prefers hot tropical to sub-tropical climates. Farmers in the Terai are cutting these trees thinking  un usefulness.  Superstitious Aspects Local people of Hindu belief suppose a vulture flying just above the house invites bad omens. We have so many examples in the community offering Rudri pooja after a vulture crossing a house while flying. This is noted here to mention the local aspect of a vulture. This has been directly linked to the tall trees of vulture habitats. These thoughts should be eliminated from the communities. Conservation organisations can spread vulture awareness among the people. Jatayu in the Ramayan epic is considered a vulture who was killed by the Ravana, the powerful demon King of Lanka, today's Srilanka. The protection formula can be applied by giving the name "J

An Interesting Story of BANJHAKRI and his REALITY

ABDUCTION OF JAGAT BAHADUR KHATRI                                          It was around the 1930s.  Jagat was just eight years old boy.  He was growing up in a hill village called Badaka in khotang district. He used to rear his cattle in the kharka(pasture). There are rocks with a den. Local people call these parts of the area as the safe haven of Banjhakri. Banjhakri is a mysterious human-like being who lives in the wild. Many people claim that they have encountered this. He has a bizarre appearance; short and stout hairy body, bare feet, bearded face, matted hair like Lord Shiva himself, drumming a musical instrument called dhyangro. Jagat Bahadur was rearing his cattle alone in the  kharka at  around 12 in the mid-day. koel and cuckoos were singing around and so were the barbets as if there had already been something wrong, Jagat was taken by  Banjhakri into the  den.        Photo Courtesy: BANJHAKRI  OFFERS JAGAT SOME MILK Banjhakri,  carrying a  Ka

Bitter Buckwheat:Superfood

  Anti-hypertension, Anti-Obesity, Anti-Cardiovascular diseases, Anti-gallstone formation                                                  Bitter buckwheat has a very long history. The buckwheat had been founded by the people of China before the second century. Another name for the buckwheat is Tartary buckwheat. Its botanical name is Fagopyrum tataricum.  It is cultivated in the Highlands of Nepal, Tibet, China, Bhutan, India, Pakistan and Afghanistan. It is bitter in taste. Buckwheat has lots of components that make the crop useful for every human being, especially for people who are very much careful about their health. Buckwheat has protein, fats, vitamins and minerals. People use vegetable when it is green and on the other hand, people make pancake, bread and dough( dhindo) from its flour. This content is free from so many things. It is believed that this food can reduce the problem obtained from Modern food, junk foods. It makes the body free from toxins. Buckwheat makes our bod

Myth of Arna at Koshi Basin

 There are a number of myths about Water wild buffalo  Bubalus arnee  in the Koshi basin. One of them is: long ago there was a wandering buffalo herder named Raghu Yadav who had hundreds of loyal buffalos. All he did was for the buffalos.                                                                                                                        As he became old and weak, he couldn't take his buffalos to the remote parts of the areas to graze. One day he died in the grazing field. All the buffalos guarded his dead body until it decayed. Later his skeleton was started to be licked by the buffalos to express their unconditional love towards their master. Buffaloes used to come around the skeleton after grazing at night and at any time.                                                                                                                                                                                People believe the ghost of Raghu Yadav is still with the herd of w